E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt #12

Welcome back to the next Sunday Ramble. For those that are just joining us, the Sunday Ramble Prompt will be based upon a certain topic. I will ask five questions about that topic, and you can ramble on however you wish. This post will be scheduled for 5 a.m. PST (California Time) every Sunday.

Today is the day I watch Super Bowl LVI, so responses may be delayed until Monday (Valentine’s Day). Go Bengals! Boo the Rams! πŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸ†πŸ…πŸ―

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s “Would You Rather?” Some of them were pretty hard to choose from, but please know that you can always interpret your questions however you wish to. You can ramble about, choose both, or choose none on the topics and questions πŸ™‚ There is never a restriction with me.

Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

This week’s topic is “Creativity & Imagination?“.

Here are the questions:

  1. When did you first discover your love of writing?
  2. Would you say that you found your imagination at a young age or when you became older? If you want to, share something you discovered with your imagination. (Be sure to copyright your post πŸ™‚ )
  3. What is your favorite genre to write about? (Example: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, True Crime, etc.)
  4. Do you ever get “writer’s block”? If so, do you have a reason of why it happens?
  5. Can you tell me something that I do not know that you do not mind sharing about your style of writing?

Once you have answered all of the questions, be sure to tag it with #EM-SRP and create a pingback to this post.

Please visit your fellow bloggers to see their rambles. It’s a nice way to get to know them *smiles*

I hope you all enjoy this week’s ramble about your love of writing and creativity.

Here are my answers:

My love of writing came when I was in the 6th grade (however old that is), and it started with poetry and has graduated to short stories and novels.

I would guess that it is a young age to find my imagination, but I actually found that before 6th-grade due to reading “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis, and it was triggered again by Judy Blume books that I enjoyed reading. I would get inside of my grandmother’s metal wardrobe on the front porch and pretend the back opened up into Narnia. I would fall asleep in there pretending to be somewhere better than here. I was a very difficult child, and I had to use my imagination frequently because I was so odd to be around. I still am really.

My favorite genre is True Crime and/or Fictional Mystery. I also enjoy writing Fantasy. I want to write something about vampires that has never been written before, and I also want to write a memoir of my life.

I have gotten a block while writing before. I have another novel that I started writing years ago that I got stumped on. It’s fantasy fiction. The reason for writer’s block, in my opinion, is disinterest. You already reach that climax of your story and cannot top it. If it comes to writing a second book, I think you have to plan it during the first. For example, I have already developed my characters with the novel that I am writing about Sebastian’s family and friends. (Thanks again to Fandango for the photograph that inspired this story. I am near finished with it.)

I write on paper the brainstorming that I have in my head, and then I incorporate it with the inspiration from prompts to write my novel. If you were to see my desk, it’s a hot mess right now due to writing my manuscript for The Secrets We Keep (Sebastian’s Story). As for style, I tend to lean on fiction inspired by true crime and real places that I have been to and seen before. I suck at planning the novel out before writing, but I am taking a few courses to help me with that.

If there is anything else you ever want to know about me, I am a pretty good open book…for the most part.

xoxo, E.M.

18 thoughts on “E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt #12

  1. Pingback: Unique Style – A Unique Title For Me

  2. Pingback: Sunday Ramblin’ #12 2-13-2022 – Sparks From A Combustible Mind

  3. Pingback: Sunday Ramble: Creativity and Imagination – A Multitude of Musings

  4. aguycalledbloke

    Interesting rambles to your own questions Madam Em πŸ™‚

    Let’s see shall we…

    When did you first discover your love of writing?

    Around the age of 7 l think it is safe to say. I was into drawing before that. I used to write stories about the bugs l found.

    Would you say that you found your imagination at a young age or when you became older? If you want to, share something you discovered with your imagination. (Be sure to copyright your post πŸ™‚ )

    I discovered my imagination at a young age for two reasons, 1] l used to play pretend all the time and 2] because it served as an escape.

    What is your favorite genre to write about? (Example: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, True Crime, etc.)

    When l do sit down and write – l tend to prefer reality fiction or realistic fiction based upon my life and around 90% fact. With fiction, l prefer dark horror, dark erotica and skin-flying murder crime sprees.

    Do you ever get β€œwriter’s block”? If so, do you have a reason of why it happens?

    I don’t believe in writer’s block as an emotion or a behaviour – we never have nothing to write about. if a ‘block’ is encountered l say a writer is too focused on the expectation of writing for a specific clique or niche and my suggestion is take a walk or write about something else.

    Can you tell me something that I do not know that you do not mind sharing about your style of writing?

    Well, do you read my blog? Or do you only read my answers here on the prompt? i think l know the answer to that. My style of writing is everyday reality and or reality fiction. if you don’t read my blog, you wouldn’t know that would you and if you do read my blog, then you already know that πŸ™‚

    However, what people don’t know about my writing is the answer to question 3.

    Good questions πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Rory πŸ™‚ I like your explanation about writer’s block, and I will admit that I have not been able to read as much as I want to. I have been running about 3 weeks late for a month *laughs* I always like how honest you are in your answers and all of the personality that you show through your words. You are very talented in wordsmithing πŸ™‚ I also enjoy writing realistic fiction. I think that is what my novel is, realistic crime fiction… I make a promise to get caught up on reading your blog πŸ˜‰ Thanks for joining in and rambling with me! Big hugs!


  5. Pingback: A Writer’s Ramble | Light Motifs II

  6. Pingback: E.M.’s Sunday Ramble #12 – Creativity & Imagination – Jottings and Writings

  7. Pingback: E. M.’s Sunday Ramble – Creativity & Imagination | Writing with Cancer

  8. Pingback: If You Don’t Post a Bloated Reflection on Writing, Are You Even a Blogger? – Jewish Young Professional

  9. Pingback: E.M.’s Sunday Ramble – The Jazzocracy

    1. I wish I would have developed the story skills first, but I am happy that I got those poetry vibes from my father. He was a decent rhyming poet. I get my imagination from him and my mental illness. Thanks for reading my journey πŸ™‚ I enjoyed reading yours as well.


  10. Pingback: For the Love of Writing – Blogorahmah

  11. Pingback: Love of Writing | POETRY…IF NOTHING ELSE

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