Memories of Grandma

via Daily Prompt: Yarn


Whenever I think of yarn, I think of my grandmother.  She was always crocheting something beautiful.  She would sit there on her little love seat, no matter the season, and craft away at a new blanket with her yarn purse at her side.  Her crochet basket was always full of so many colors, needles, and patterns…granny squares covered the cloth bottom.

She had a small closet under the stairway that went upstairs, and it had shelves stacked from top to bottom.  Guess what was in there?  Oodles and oodles of yarn organized by colors filled the shelves, of course, all protected by mothballs.  It looked like a closet of rainbows.  As a child, the scent of the mothballs mixed ith the yarn was a pleasant one.  I loved walking into that closet and seeing all the different reams of string that she had picked up.

I remember we would go to K-Mart specifically to get yarn.  I was always excited to do this because I got to pick out some spools of it too.  She liked Red Heart, and I liked anything that felt soft and fluffy.  I would usually get the calico colors…the ones that changed as you pulled them out of the spool.

We’d check out and head back home.  Then she would put her new yarn in her basket, make me something to eat, and get to work on her new project.

Man, I miss her so much.  I see her face now smiling with that needle in hand…a cigarette burning in the ashtray on the side table.  It’s such a good memory…one I haven’t had for a while.

xoxo E.M.

8 thoughts on “Memories of Grandma

  1. Those are great memories to have. I’m glad you had that with your Grandma. I’m sure she loved having you around as well especially going with her to Walmart and picking up spools of yarn. 😊

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  2. everydaystrangeblog

    I loved this post- my grandmother quilted, and I loved going down to her basement as a kid to see what she was working on, all the little pieces of fabric laid out on the floor 🖤

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    1. That is so awesome, and thank you for reading! I hope you got some good memories to look back on from my post. Grandma sewed too. She had the coolest, old-fashioned sewing machine that was built in a cabinet. I never had a hole in my jeans for long! ❤

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