Faith and War

Image Credit: CookmePancakes @ Laura dreaded hearing the alarm go off because today was the day she would have to confront her own faith in the wake of a huge battle. Her eyes were gasping with tears as she watched the smoke fill the bay. It was hard to breathe because the war was …

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Vacations and Career Dreams ~ #TBTMemory

Since I am running behind a week or two (or ten), I figured I would do both of Lauren and Maggie's Throwback Thursdays together in the same post. It feels good to be sitting here relaxing tonight đŸ™‚ Lauren's choice for 2/17/2022 was: Vacations or Holidays on the other side of the pond. Did you and …

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E.M.’s Friday Fibs ~ 2/25/2022

This week's questions for Fibbing Friday from PCGuyIV are: In the world of international finance, what do the abbreviations, USD and GBP stand for?Universal Special Discount and Gross Branding ProductWhat exactly is cryptocurrency?It's the money that was used in the creation of the series called "Tales from the Crypt".What is the difference between stocks and …

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A Voice From When News Was News [Reblog]

Thank you, Jill, for publishing this article. A must-read on what is happening on the other side of the globe…
I remember my grandmother always listening to Dan Rather during the last war.
I hope for peace and pray for the people of Ukraine.
xoxo, E.M.

Filosofa's Word

I often miss the newscasters of yore, people like Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, Diane Sawyer, John Chancellor, the team of Huntley-Brinkley, and more.  One who is still around, though no longer serving as a news anchor, is Dan Rather.  His periodic newsletters are insightful and informative, and today I share his latest, his take on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Reacting to War

Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner

Feb 24  

The world spins.

The sun sets on a nation under attack.

The sun rises on a desperate awareness of a new, dire, and unpredictable crisis. 

Panic spreads across Ukraine as the sounds of death echo across its cities and countryside. We must think first and foremost of those facing the brunt of the invasion, especially the civilians who will inevitably be caught in the crossfire of conflict. We can picture the parents desperately trying to soothe the fears of their children…

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E.M.’s Best Thinking ~ #FPQ 158

This week, Fandango's Provocative Question asks us: When and where do you do your best thinking? Why is that? My best thinking is done when I am sleeping and when smoking a cigarette. You are probably thinking, "This girl is batshit can you think in your sleep?" Well, if I am conflicted or trying …

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My Friday Truthful Tuesday

This week's Truthful Tuesday from PCGuyIV asks: Have you ever felt that one particular activity seemed to be consuming more of your life than you were happy about? Was it work, a hobby that got out of hand, health concerns or something else? Lastly, have you managed to take back control, or does it still …

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The Affliction of Forsaken Love

Photo by cottonbro on Her love is afflicted, for him she became weak As his eyes no longer see her spirit A growing disturbance in her fractured soul Robust and potent withdrawal, like an addict Flutters when her eyes meet his, breath-taking Defiantly I adore him, against her own advice The cagey intuition of …

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