E.M. Sees Tranquility – #WDYS Prompt

Tranquility is something that I try to find but have a hard time fighting through my demons to find it. This prompt from Sadje for What Do You See? has brought me a bit of it. Below the picture is my viewpoint of this beautiful picture.

Image credit; Sean Robertson @ Unsplash

The rocks are still as they wear the fog.

The moss grows as a remnant of moisture that used to gather at the rock peaks.

A lone neuron in my brain say peace and tranquility live here.

The incantation of my spirit grows with the flow of the water and fog along the surface.

How does the water decide which way it will go as it approaches the rocks, I wonder?

The screed of the construction of rocks create the art of nature.

It’s tranquil, free, and without restraint.

xoxo, E.M.

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